


Hi! :) My name is Shigeru (sounds like "sigelu"). I have been a software developer about 20 years. Nice to meet you!

萩原 茂 (Hagiwara, Shigeru) hgwrsgr@gmail.com, hgwr@moreslowly.jp


Facebook (rare), Twitter @hgwr (rare)


  1. bookmark.house - Non-social Bookmarking.
  2. Tugiwa - iOS application for personal task and to-do management.
  3. CalloutAlarm is an alarm clock application for macOS. It reads out the time with a human voice when the specified time comes.
    Source codes of CalloutAlarm is available on GitHub.
  4. github.com/hgwr/
  5. gist.github.com/hgwr
  6. My master theses: Emergence of Pattern Formation Mechanisms in Drosophila Embryogenesis March 2000, School of Knowledge Science, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
  7. A pinpoint search system for a specialized research area in physics and engineering : "Defect dat@base" for defects in semiconductors and semiconductor devices 2008 Volume 51 Issue 9 Pages 653-666, Journal of Information Processing and Management

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